Thursday, January 15, 2009

IMU Ball 2009

1. Details of IMU Ball 2009 are follows, so do let your batch mates know =)

Theme: Clair de Lune (which means "moonlight" in French)
Tagline: A night of enchantment
Marriott, Putrajaya (a 5-star hotel)

Date: 19th April 2009
6.30pm till late

Price: RM 120/ ticket

2. Please prepare a short video of 2 minutes. The video will be screened during the ball, as a tribute to all the graduating batches =) so hopefully you could come up with a nice video, a touching video, or even a comedy-like video, or anything at all =) But do be informed that you'll have to send in the video to our multimedia manager - Goh Chan Sing (P107) by the 6th of March 2009. This is to ensure that if any changes that need to be made to the video can be done earlier =) Anyone interested in making the video can contact me (Sowmya) and I hope get the batch's support in shooting the video and getting pictures.

3. Do visit our blog @

4. Do join our facebook group @

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