Sunday, January 4, 2009

CME(continuing medical education) and Quiz on Clinical Anatomy


Hope you're having a great holiday / exam preparations going well!

IMU is organizing a CME(continuing medical education) and Quiz on Clinical Anatomy on Saturday, 10th January 2009. There will be 3 workshops focusing on clinical anatomy, and 1 lecture by an Orthopaedics professor from Clinical School. There is a quiz at the end where you will be pitted against teams from other universities(UCSI, UIA, Manipal College etc)

All the workshop content are written by our very own anatomy lecturers in IMU. They will be facilitating the workshops and quiz. This CME will be very, very useful for revision and to get to network with students from other universities.

The 3 one hour workshops have 1 clinical trigger each, which participants need to prepare for. The clinical trigger is somewhat like a anatomy based PBL scenario. The 3 triggers will be released one week before the workshop so that you can prepare beforehand.

The workshops will run as such: a 5 minute presentation of the clinical trigger by the facilitator, a 15 minute student presentation based on the clinical trigger, then a discussion session. Dr. Nilesh Kumar has requested that IMU students be given the priority to do the presentation.

We have 20 places for IMU students who are interested in this workshop.
A nominal fee of RM10 will be charged for workshop material and refreshments(lunch and tea).
(MMA members will not be charged)

Please fill in the form attached if you are interested, and email the form to Thank you very much!

*(What is MMA? - )


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