Hello fellow batch mates
We need your fullest cooperation in helping us to complete the following tasks:
- Preferred nickname/name
- Personal profile (questions)
- 15-word description of yourself
- Poll - Types of Medical Students in M207
- Signing up to the IMU alumni
Please spend a few minutes to read the following instructions on how to submit your personal profiles for the convocation magazine.
- Each PBL group will be given 3 random questions and every member in that group has to answer all 3 questions on their own.
- Every student has to find a close friend/friend/acquaintance/stranger (in that order of preference) in M207 to write a 15-word description of him/herself. For example, Karim - A very responsible batch rep who has also won a valedictorian award. In the event that you are unable to find a person to write the description for you, you can write it for yourself.
- Please nominate ONE person for each category.
- Do NOT nominate one person in more than one category.
This means that when you are submitting your nominations, you cannot have, let's say, Sowmya in "The Pretty Ones" and "The Long Ones". You must, however, nominate one person for each category so if there are 12 categories, your result must have 12 different people each in a separate category. - The poll will be closed by the end of 15th October 2009.
- Submit your nominees together with the profiles.
- The categories and the descriptions are:
The Intense
Always stressed out/bimbaboompewpewpew like heavy machineries/drink redbull every two hours. Along these lines.
The Can't be Bothered
When the sky falls, they use it as a blanket to sleep. Generally undisturbed and unresponsive.
The Runway Models
Pretty, cute, handsome, good-looking, confident,and whoever that has what it takes to strut his/her stuff like a real runway model.
The Missing
I don't know if you know who to because the people in this group are those who are never around and never in lectures but they're in our batch.
The Oddballs
Whoever that you think is random.
The Sunshines
Smile always. Those who never fail to say Hello with a big smile on their faces and those who always say STUDY HARD whenever exam's around the corner.
The OCDs
Obsessive and compulsive people. E.g. those who can't sleep if they know the notes are not arranged nicely according to the systems then themes then disciplines then alphabetical order.
The Tranquil
Always peaceful, comfortable with themselves and never appear to be stressed.
The 'huh?'
One word - BLUR.
The Intellectual
Those who start their sentences with "CONFUCIOUS says" or "according to the Xun Zu's art of war" or whoever that you think is very smart and intellectual. Basically.
The Jokers
The class will be so boring without their laughters, their funny jokes, their funny stuff. OR YOUR LIFE will be so boring without their funny jokes, their funny stuff, their laughters.
The Hidden Dragons Crouching Tigers
Those who are actually way MORE than who they appear to be. This type of people can be actually very smart, very vicious, very cunning, very treacherous, very kind, very witty BUT they appear to be just an average person.
hakim: And ONE MORE thing - guys please make sure your answers DO NOT exceed 100 words..PLEASE!
hakim: And ONE MORE thing - guys please make sure your answers DO NOT exceed 100 words..PLEASE!
Thank you. The M207 editorial board.